Saturday, March 17, 2012


" ...the kindom of heaven is like a merchant, seeking beautiful pearls,

...who, when he had found one pearl of great value...

"...went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46

Why is this story in the Bible? How is this example like "the kingdom of God?" The secret is knowing the identity of the players in the story?

The merchant, is Jesus Christ! because a man, gave up everything He had, offered His life as payment? He laid done His life .

But what is it that has such great importance to Him ?  What does the pearl represent ...?

You are the pearl Jesus died on the cross, He surrendered Himself...for you! Do you! know that your salvation was bought at a great price? This is just how valuable you are to God!

Dont ever let anyone let you feel that you are worthless. Jesus gave up everything for you, He sacfificed Himself for you ! You are very important to God --you are needed for His kindgom. You have a purpose in God !

 This is just how priceless you are to Him! God gave up this only son so that  "whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life, ( JOHN 3:16)
 This is how much He loves you! He surrendred everything for the price of your soul, He asks us to surrender ourselves completely to Him.
 God will heal you --He will deliver you from every problem-- He will care for you --as a precious pearl of great value.

 He has paid the price for your salvation! The work is done! Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior!

Say this simple prayer from your heart

Lord Jesus, you are almighty God. I want you to be Lord of my life, I am a sinner, I am not righteous and have fallen short of your great glory. But I believe that you have paid the price for my sin.
Your death on the cross,
The shedding of your precious blood washes away my sin.
I want you to be my savior, my lord, my friend.
Come into my heart now, Lord Jesus, set me free from the prison of my sin.
And because I believe in you Jesus", I shall not die, but have everlasting life. Thank you Jesus!"
 And now that you have asked Jesus into your heart --go and tell others this Good News-- that God loves us and cares for us all!

God Bless you and welcome to the family of God... !

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